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“Kno’ You’re Wally”: Reinventing Slavery, Family, and Nation in Pauline Hopkins’s Peculiar Sam, or The Underground Railroad

  • Marvin McAllister
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp391–421

How Time Flies

  • Pauline E. Hopkins
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp422–438

Just Feathers: Righting Wrongs with Georgia Douglas Johnson’s Plumes

  • Sandy Alexandre
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp439–457

“It Cancels the Slave Ship!”: Africa, Slavery, and the Haitian Revolution in Langston Hughes’s Emperor of Haiti and Aimé Césaire’s The Tragedy of King Christophe

  • Shane Graham
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp458–482

The “Atmos-Feeling” of Resurrection: Feeling Black (Not Slave) in Black Arts Movement Drama

  • Margo Natalie Crawford
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp483–501

Reconstruction, Fugitive Intimacy, and Holding History

  • Soyica Colbert
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp502–516

“Stories that Never Stop”: Fugitivity and Neo-Slave Performance

  • Stacie Selmon Mccormick
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp517–538

“Is That What We Wanted?”: Staging Slavery’s Affective Scripts

  • Tina Post
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp539–564


Kate Bredeson. Occupying the Stage: The Theater of May ’68.

  • Emine Fişek
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp565–567

Adrian Curtin. Death in Modern Theatre: Stages of Mortality.

  • David Ian Rabey
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp567–569

Miriam Haughton. Staging Trauma: Bodies in Shadow.

  • Milija Gluhovic
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp569–572

Ola Johansson and Johanna Wallin, eds. The Freedom Theatre: Performing Cultural Resistance in Palestine.

  • Sonali Pahwa
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp572–574

Melissa Poll. Robert Lepage’s Scenographic Dramaturgy: The Aesthetic Signature at Work.

  • Aleksandar Dundjerovic
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp574–576

Lara Shalson. Performing Endurance: Art and Politics since 1960.

  • Raegan Truax
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp576–579

Min Tian. The Use of Asian Theatre for Modern Western Theatre: The Displaced Mirror.

  • Jon Reimer
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp579–581

Sarah J. Townsend. The Unfinished Art of Theater: Avant-Garde Intellectuals in Mexico and Brazil.

  • Anna White-Nockleby
Modern DramaVol. 62, No. 4, pp581–584

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