This collection presents essays on a rich variety of topics necessary to the writing of good Festschriften, and many methods and skills are necessary even to approach doing justice to late-medieval government and society. This necessary diversity of approach is manifested in the rage of essays included in this volume, which touch on contemporary notions about government and politics, Ockham’s teaching on natural law and how this teaching was influenced by Ockham’s knowledge of canon law and the opinions of canonists, an investigation of the practical interpretation in England of peace and justice, nationality and what it means to be a ‘subject’ or an ‘alien’, among other topics.

In sum, this collection of essays attempts to grasp these realities; each essay is significant in itself and collectively they are useful in advancing our understanding of some of the conditions of life in various areas of Europe at the end of the Middle Ages.

This collection presents essays on a rich variety of topics necessary to the writing of good Festschriften, and many methods and skills are necessary even to approach doing justice to late-medieval government and society.

  • Imprint: University of Toronto Press
  • Published: December 1986
  • Pages: 304

J.G. ROWE studied at Harvard University and the University of Toronto, receiving a PHD in history from the latter in 1955. He is at present professor of history and dean of arts at the University of Western Ontario.


Natural Law and Canon Law in Ockham’s Dialogus
Leonardo Bruni Revisited: A Reassessment of Hans Baron’s Thesis on the Influence of the Classics in the Laudatio Florentinae Urbis
Peace and Justice around 1400: A Sketch
The English Realm and Dominions and the King’s Subjects in the Later Middle Ages
Richard Plantagenet (1411–60), Duke of York, as the King’s Lieutenant in France and Ireland
Marmaduke Lumley and the Exchequer Crisis of 1446–9
The Exchequer in Late Medieval Government, c 1485–1530
Conflict in Government: Archbishops versus Kings, 1279–1348
The Swabian League and Government in the Holy Roman Empire of the Early Sixteenth Century

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