Research Article
June 2001

Acquiring Vocabulary through Reading: Effects of Frequency and Contextual Richness

Publication: Canadian Modern Language Review
Volume 57, Number 4


While L2 vocabulary acquisition research is no longer ‘a neglected area’ (Meara, 1980), a lack of progress remains on some basic questions. One concerns the number of times a word must be encountered in order to be learned. Even using similar learning criteria, estimates range from six (Saragi, Nation, & Meister, 1978) to 20 (Herman, Anderson, Pearson, & Nagy, 1987). Another question concerns the types of contexts that are conducive to learning. Some studies have reported that rich, informative contexts are the most conducive to acquisition (Schouten-van Parreren, 1989), others that rich contexts divert attention from the lexical level and produce little acquisition (Mondria & Wit-De Boer, 1991). These phenomena were investigated in a vocabulary acquisition study with Quebec school-aged ESL learners at five levels of proficiency. First, learners read a text and were tested on its new vocabulary. Then, learned and unlearned words were compared for frequency of occurrence and level of contextual support. Frequency needs were found to be related to learner level, and contextual richness was unrelated to learning.

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Published In

Go to The Canadian Modern Language Review
Canadian Modern Language Review
Volume 57Number 4June 2001
Pages: 541 - 572


Published in print: June 2001
Published online: 7 December 2006



Rick Zahar
McGill University, Montreal
Tom Cobb
Département de linguistique et de didactique des langues, Université du Québec á Montréal
Nina Spada
Modern Language Centre, OISE/University of Toronto

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Rick Zahar, Tom Cobb, and Nina Spada
The Canadian Modern Language Review 2001 57:4, 541-572

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