Research Article
16 February 2022

A scoping review of suggested practices for healthcare providers when discussing sexuality with youth

Publication: The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
Volume 31, Number 1


Addressing sexuality can support youth to thrive with positive development. Healthcare providers (HCPs) are uniquely positioned to offer such support given their professional knowledge and relationship with youth. This paper aims to identify and summarize suggestions to support HCPs to discuss sexuality with youth. A scoping review methodology was used and 17 studies were identified from four databases (i.e., Embase, Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO). Six suggestions for practice were identified, including (i) establish a trusting relationship; (ii) create a safe and comfortable environment; (iii) ask for consent and keep conversation confidential; (iv) initiate the conversation; (v) use inclusive language; and (vi) discuss the psychosocial aspect of sexuality. It was also found that youth with a disability or chronic condition were under-represented in the literature. Future research should evaluate the clinical utility of these suggestions and how suggestions can be adapted to meet the sexuality needs of youth with a disability.

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Information & Authors


Published In

Go to The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
Volume 31Number 1April 2022
Pages: 143 - 160


Published online: 16 February 2022
Published in print: April 2022


  1. Conversations
  2. health communications
  3. health promotion
  4. healthcare providers
  5. sexuality
  6. youth



School/Applied Child Psychology, Educational and Counselling Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada


CORRESPONDENCE concerning this article should be addressed to Amy C McPherson, Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, 150 Kilgour Road, Toronto, Ontario M4P 0A5, Canada. E-mail: [email protected]
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors are grateful to Pui Ying Wong, Health Sciences Librarian at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, for her support in the database searches. We also thank Dilshad Kassam-Lallani, Louise Rudden, Marie Hooper, and Fiona Moola, for their contributions to the manuscript. This work was made possible through the Special Olympics Ontario Summer Youth Employment Program.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT: The authors report no conflicts of interest.

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Stephanie LM Lung, Joanne Wincentak, Caron Gan, Shauna Kingsnorth, Christine Provvidenza, and Amy C McPherson
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 2022 31:1, 143-160

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