Applied Filters
- HistoryRemove filter
- Default Book Series3,370
- Heritage1,785
- Toronto Italian Studies188
- Toronto Iberic93
- Collected Works of Erasmus67
- Anthropological Horizons57
- German and European Studies55
- Studies in Comparative Political Economy and Public Policy55
- University of Toronto Romance Series54
- Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History51
- Essentials of Canadian Law50
- Studies in Book and Print Culture48
- Studies in Gender and History42
- Teaching Culture42
- Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library40
- Toronto Studies in Philosophy40
- Canadian Social History Series33
- Phoenix Supplementary Volumes33
- UCLA Clark Memorial Library Series33
- MART: The Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching31
- UTP Insights31
- Collected Works of Northrop Frye30
- IPAC Series in Public Management and Governance28
- Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures27
- The Canada 150 Collection26
- Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series26
- Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan25
- Toronto Studies in Semiotics and Communication25
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography23
- Lonergan Studies23
- Cultural Spaces22
- Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs19
- RSART: Renaissance Society of America Reprint Text Series18
- Frameworks for Writing17
- Advances in Optimality Theory15
- Erasmus Studies15
- Records of Early English Drama15
- Equinox Textbooks and Surveys in Linguistics14
- Functional Linguistics14
- Alexander Lectures13
- Collected Works of John Stuart Mill13
- Theory / Culture13
- Toronto Old English Studies13
- Canadian Cinema12
- New Studies in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics12
- Themes in Canadian History12
- Understanding Canada12
- ethnoGRAPHIC11
- Global Suburbanisms11
- Medieval Academy Books11
- Tsarist and Soviet Mennonite Studies11
- Digital Futures10
- Essays in the History of Canadian Law10
- Green College Thematic Lecture Series10
- Letters of Benjamin Disraeli10
- Frye Studies9
- Japan and Global Society9
- Reflective Practice in Language Education9
- Toronto Old Norse-Icelandic Series (TONIS)9
- Advances in CALL Research and Practice8
- Selected Correspondence of Bernard Shaw8
- Young Advocates Series8
- HSBC Bank Canada Papers on Asia7
- Joanne Goodman Lectures7
- Pragmatic Interfaces7
- Studies in Atlantic Canada History7
- Anthropological Insights6
- British Council Monographs on Modern Language Testing6
- European Union Studies6
- Index Emblematicus6
- International Themes and Issues6
- RIM The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia6
- Studies in Communication in Organisations and Professions6
- Studies in Early English Drama6
- The Kenneth Michael Tanenbaum Series in Jewish Studies6
- Trends Project6
- Behaviorally Informed Organizations5
- Chaucer Bibliographies5
- Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan5
- Conference on Editorial Problems5
- Munk Series on Global Affairs5
- Phoenix Presocractic Series5
- Political Development: Comparative Perspectives5
- Studies in Applied Linguistics5
- Studies in Phonetics and Phonology5
- The Johnson-Shoyama Series on Public Policy5
- Toronto Medieval Texts and Translations5
- Toronto Studies in Medieval Law5
- Canadian Insurance Claims Directory4
- Collected Works of George Grant4
- Discussions in Functional Approaches to Language4
- Innovation, Creativity, and Governance in Canadian City-Regions4
- Key Concepts in Systemic Functional Linguistics4
- Provincial and Territorial Health System Profiles4
- The Canadian Experience of War4
- Asian Canadian Studies3
- Collected Works of E.J.Pratt3
- Companions to Medieval Studies3
- Mental and Cultural World of Tudor and Stuart England3
- Rethinking the Middle Ages3
- RICH: Reprints in Canadian History3
- Robson Classical Lectures3
- Rotman-UTP Publishing - Business and Sustainability3
- Senator Keith Davey Lectures3
- Studies in the Anthropology of Language, Sign, and Social Life3
- The L.M. Montgomery Library3
- Themes in Business and Society3
- U of T Centre for Public Management Series on Public Policy & Administration3
- African & Diasporic Cultural Studies2
- Culinaria2
- Institutional Ethnography2
- James Scarth Gale Library of Korean Literature2
- McMaster Old English Studies and Texts2
- Teaching Archaeology: Case Studies in Research and the Culture of Fieldwork2
- Technoscience and Society2
- Text and Social Context2
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada / Mémoires de la Société royale du Canada2
- Transnational Mennonite Studies2
- Applied Phonology and Pronunciation Teaching1
- CALICO Journal1
- Canada Among Nations1
- Canadian Historical Review1
- Canadian Journal of Communication1
- Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice1
- Canadian Journal of Film Studies1
- Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine1
- Canadian Journal of Health History1
- Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography1
- Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation1
- Canadian Journal of Women and the Law1
- Canadian Legal Skills1
- Canadian Liver Journal1
- Canadian Public Policy1
- Canadian Review of American Studies1
- Canadian Theatre Review1
- Cartographica1
- Cervantes1
- Clinical and Investigative Medicine1
- Collected Works of Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen1
- Communication & Medicine1
- Communication Disorders & Clinical Linguistics1
- Correspondance générale d'Helvétius1
- Diaspora1
- Dimensions: Islam, Muslims, and Critical Thought1
- East Asian Pragmatics1
- Eighteenth-Century Fiction1
- Emilio Goggio Publications Series1
- English Manuscript Studies1
- Equinox English Linguistics and ELT1
- Florilegium1
- Gender and Language1
- Genocide Studies International1
- Instructed Second Language Acquisition1
- International Journal of Canadian Studies1
- International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics1
- International Journal of Men's Social and Community Health1
- Jeunesse1
- Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice1
- Journal of Canadian Studies1
- Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy1
- Journal of Clinical Insights in Neonatology1
- Journal of Comparative Family Studies1
- Journal of Connected Speech1
- Journal of Education for Library and Information Science1
- Journal of Education Human Resources1
- Journal of Endoluminal Endourology1
- Journal of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder1
- Journal of History1
- Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders1
- Journal of Language and Discrimination1
- Journal of Mental Health and Addiction Nursing1
- Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health1
- Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech1
- Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices1
- Journal of Religion and Popular Culture1
- Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science1
- Journal of Scholarly Publishing1
- Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada1
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Education1
- Language and Sociocultural Theory1
- Languages in Global Contexts1
- Lexicography1
- Linguistics and the Human Sciences1
- Mediation Theory and Practice1
- Modern Drama1
- Mouseion1
- National Gallery of Canada Review1
- New Landscapes in Middle East Studies1
- Physiotherapy Canada1
- Research on Children and Social Interaction1
- Researching and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language1
- Second Language Teacher Education1
- Seminar1
- Sociolinguistic Studies1
- Special Lectures of the Law Society of Upper Canada1
- The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality1
- The Canadian Modern Language Review1
- The Guthrie Journal1
- The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law1
- The Tocqueville Review1
- The Yearbook of Comparative Literature1
- Theatre Research in Canada1
- Toronto Journal of Theology1
- Ukraina Moderna1
- Ultimate Reality and Meaning1
- University of Toronto Law Journal1
- University of Toronto Quarterly1
- Urban History Review1
- Women's Writing in English1
- Writing & Pedagogy1
Masculinities and Representation
The Eroticized Male in Early Modern Italy and EnglandThe Cause of Art
Professionalizing the Art Gallery of Newfoundland and LabradorThe Image of Celestina
Illustrations, Paintings, and AdvertisementsThe Arts of EncounterThe Arts of Encounter
Christians, Muslims, and the Power of Images in Early Modern SpainExtraordinary Aesthetes
Decadents, New Women, and Fin-de-Siècle CultureA Short History of the Middle Ages, Volume II
From c.900 to c.1500, Sixth EditionA Short History of the Middle Ages, Volume I
From c.300 to c.1150, Sixth EditionThe Art of Witnessing
Francisco de Goya’s Disasters of WarMaking Worlds
Global Invention in the Early Modern PeriodEnchanted Objects
Visual Art in Contemporary FictionMedia Critique in the Age of Gillray
Scratches, Scraps, and SpectresPicturing Punishment
The Spectacle and Material Afterlife of the Criminal Body in the Dutch RepublicArt Work
Invisible Labour and the Legacy of Yugoslav Socialism