- History2,493
- Social Science1,826
- Literary Criticism1,556
- Political Science1,501
- Law560
- Business & Economics498
- Philosophy493
- Education397
- Biography & Autobiography388
- Religion375
- Language Arts & Disciplines320
- Science313
- Medical227
- Literary Collections184
- Performing Arts176
- Art171
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- Psychology125
- Health & Fitness108
- Drama92
- Technology & Engineering68
- Foreign Language Study60
- Family & Relationships56
- Architecture47
- Poetry44
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- Sports & Recreation42
- Fiction34
- Mathematics30
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- Travel17
- Comics & Graphic Novels15
- Cooking14
- Antiques & Collectibles13
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- Crafts & Hobbies8
- True Crime8
- Body, Mind & Spirit5
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- Games & Activities3
- Gardening3
- House & Home3
- Humor3
- Photography2
- Young Adult Fiction1
- Default Book Series3,357
- Heritage1,785
- Toronto Italian Studies188
- Toronto Iberic93
- Collected Works of Erasmus67
- Anthropological Horizons57
- German and European Studies55
- Studies in Comparative Political Economy and Public Policy55
- University of Toronto Romance Series54
- Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History51
- Essentials of Canadian Law49
- Studies in Book and Print Culture48
- Studies in Gender and History42
- Teaching Culture42
- Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library40
- Toronto Studies in Philosophy40
- Canadian Social History Series33
- Phoenix Supplementary Volumes33
- UCLA Clark Memorial Library Series33
- MART: The Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching31
- UTP Insights31
- Collected Works of Northrop Frye30
- IPAC Series in Public Management and Governance28
- Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures27
- The Canada 150 Collection26
- Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series26
- Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan25
- Toronto Studies in Semiotics and Communication25
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography23
- Lonergan Studies23
- Cultural Spaces22
- Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs19
- RSART: Renaissance Society of America Reprint Text Series18
- Frameworks for Writing17
- Advances in Optimality Theory15
- Erasmus Studies15
- Records of Early English Drama15
- Equinox Textbooks and Surveys in Linguistics14
- Functional Linguistics14
- Alexander Lectures13
- Collected Works of John Stuart Mill13
- Theory / Culture13
- Toronto Old English Studies13
- Canadian Cinema12
- New Studies in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics12
- Themes in Canadian History12
- ethnoGRAPHIC11
- Global Suburbanisms11
- Medieval Academy Books11
- Tsarist and Soviet Mennonite Studies11
- Digital Futures10
- Essays in the History of Canadian Law10
- Green College Thematic Lecture Series10
- Letters of Benjamin Disraeli10
- Frye Studies9
- Japan and Global Society9
- Reflective Practice in Language Education9
- Toronto Old Norse-Icelandic Series (TONIS)9
- Advances in CALL Research and Practice8
- Selected Correspondence of Bernard Shaw8
- Understanding Canada8
- Young Advocates Series8
- HSBC Bank Canada Papers on Asia7
- Joanne Goodman Lectures7
- Pragmatic Interfaces7
- Studies in Atlantic Canada History7
- Anthropological Insights6
- British Council Monographs on Modern Language Testing6
- European Union Studies6
- Index Emblematicus6
- International Themes and Issues6
- RIM The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia6
- Studies in Communication in Organisations and Professions6
- Studies in Early English Drama6
- The Kenneth Michael Tanenbaum Series in Jewish Studies6
- Trends Project6
- Behaviorally Informed Organizations5
- Chaucer Bibliographies5
- Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan5
- Conference on Editorial Problems5
- Munk Series on Global Affairs5
- Phoenix Presocractic Series5
- Political Development: Comparative Perspectives5
- Studies in Applied Linguistics5
- Studies in Phonetics and Phonology5
- The Johnson-Shoyama Series on Public Policy5
- Toronto Medieval Texts and Translations5
- Toronto Studies in Medieval Law5
- Canadian Insurance Claims Directory4
- Collected Works of George Grant4
- Discussions in Functional Approaches to Language4
- Innovation, Creativity, and Governance in Canadian City-Regions4
- Key Concepts in Systemic Functional Linguistics4
- Provincial and Territorial Health System Profiles4
- The Canadian Experience of War4
- Asian Canadian Studies3
- Collected Works of E.J.Pratt3
- Companions to Medieval Studies3
- Mental and Cultural World of Tudor and Stuart England3
- Rethinking the Middle Ages3
- RICH: Reprints in Canadian History3
- Robson Classical Lectures3
- Rotman-UTP Publishing - Business and Sustainability3
- Senator Keith Davey Lectures3
- Studies in the Anthropology of Language, Sign, and Social Life3
- The L.M. Montgomery Library3
- Themes in Business and Society3
- U of T Centre for Public Management Series on Public Policy & Administration3
- African & Diasporic Cultural Studies2
- Culinaria2
- Institutional Ethnography2
- James Scarth Gale Library of Korean Literature2
- McMaster Old English Studies and Texts2
- Teaching Archaeology: Case Studies in Research and the Culture of Fieldwork2
- Technoscience and Society2
- Text and Social Context2
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada / Mémoires de la Société royale du Canada2
- Transnational Mennonite Studies2
- Applied Phonology and Pronunciation Teaching1
- CALICO Journal1
- Canada Among Nations1
- Canadian Historical Review1
- Canadian Journal of Communication1
- Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice1
- Canadian Journal of Film Studies1
- Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine1
- Canadian Journal of Health History1
- Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography1
- Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation1
- Canadian Journal of Women and the Law1
- Canadian Legal Skills1
- Canadian Liver Journal1
- Canadian Public Policy1
- Canadian Review of American Studies1
- Canadian Theatre Review1
- Cartographica1
- Cervantes1
- Clinical and Investigative Medicine1
- Collected Works of Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen1
- Communication & Medicine1
- Communication Disorders & Clinical Linguistics1
- Correspondance générale d'Helvétius1
- Diaspora1
- Dimensions: Islam, Muslims, and Critical Thought1
- East Asian Pragmatics1
- Eighteenth-Century Fiction1
- Emilio Goggio Publications Series1
- English Manuscript Studies1
- Equinox English Linguistics and ELT1
- Florilegium1
- Gender and Language1
- Genocide Studies International1
- Instructed Second Language Acquisition1
- International Journal of Canadian Studies1
- International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics1
- International Journal of Men's Social and Community Health1
- Jeunesse1
- Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice1
- Journal of Canadian Studies1
- Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy1
- Journal of Clinical Insights in Neonatology1
- Journal of Comparative Family Studies1
- Journal of Connected Speech1
- Journal of Education for Library and Information Science1
- Journal of Education Human Resources1
- Journal of Endoluminal Endourology1
- Journal of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder1
- Journal of History1
- Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders1
- Journal of Language and Discrimination1
- Journal of Mental Health and Addiction Nursing1
- Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health1
- Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech1
- Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices1
- Journal of Religion and Popular Culture1
- Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science1
- Journal of Scholarly Publishing1
- Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada1
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Education1
- Language and Sociocultural Theory1
- Languages in Global Contexts1
- Lexicography1
- Linguistics and the Human Sciences1
- Mediation Theory and Practice1
- Modern Drama1
- Mouseion1
- National Gallery of Canada Review1
- New Landscapes in Middle East Studies1
- Physiotherapy Canada1
- Research on Children and Social Interaction1
- Researching and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language1
- Second Language Teacher Education1
- Seminar1
- Sociolinguistic Studies1
- Special Lectures of the Law Society of Upper Canada1
- The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality1
- The Canadian Modern Language Review1
- The Guthrie Journal1
- The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law1
- The Tocqueville Review1
- The Yearbook of Comparative Literature1
- Theatre Research in Canada1
- Toronto Journal of Theology1
- Ukraina Moderna1
- Ultimate Reality and Meaning1
- University of Toronto Law Journal1
- University of Toronto Quarterly1
- Urban History Review1
- Women's Writing in English1
- Writing & Pedagogy1
'A Great Effusion of Blood'?
Interpreting Medieval ViolenceThe ‘Conquest’ of Acadia, 1710
Imperial, Colonial, and Aboriginal Constructions'Romantic' and Its Cognates
The European History of a WordThe ‘Satyrica’ of Petronius
Petronii Arbitri ‘Satyrica’ Quae Supersunt“At the Barricades”
A MemoirThe "Greening" of Costa Rica
Women, Peasants, Indigenous Peoples, and the Remaking of Nature"I AM"
Monotheism and the Philosophy of the Bible"I wish to keep a record"
Nineteenth-Century New Brunswick Women Diarists and Their World“We Are In Charge Here”
Inuit Self-Government and the Nunatsiavut Assembly“Where Are You From?”
Growing Up African-Canadian in Vancouver(Re)Visualizing National History
Museums and National Identities in Europe in the New Millennium1 Way 2 C The World
Writings 1984-2006100 to Dinner
Better Cooking for camps, clubs, resorts, schools, institutions, industrial plants, offices, and public dining rooms1950s Canada
Politics and Public Affairs2030
A Blueprint for Humanity’s Exponential Leap